1) What considerations led you to modify/change your original plan when you were in the process of developing your project?
I changed my plan as I went based on what I found to look good and creative, my use of the colours of Green, Red, Yellow and a little bit of white on the background wasn't planned, but when I started painting it turned into a sunset-like background.
2) What evidence can be found in your portfolio (Instagram and website) of how the exploration and revision stages changed your original idea?
As you can see, I started off by trying different colours on the black fabric to see what would work and I realized that the colours I used didn't show through the dark fabric when they dried, so I applied a lot of white and that mixed with the colours beneath it to form a multicolour surface in the painting.
3) What emotions do you associate with the colours you picked for your design? How might other peoples associations of colour change the way they feel when looking at your work?
Looking back at my work, I used colder colours for the surface and warmer tones for the background, I feel like that worked well in my favour in terms of contrast and the effect it gave. I chose to have the light come from the top left which I feel brought out the highlights in the fabric and really helped the overall piece.
4) What criteria would you use when selecting an art work to present to your class? Would you use different criteria when selecting a work for a community art show? Why? What, if anything, would you do differently when creating your art work if you knew it was going to be displayed in a public space? Why?
I would pick a piece that used complimenting colours and was visually appealing for the class, but for an art show, I would pick a piece with meaning behind it. I would probably stick with the same criteria when creating it to be displayed in a public space, although I would make the meaning easier to comprehend.
5) What are some techniques you used to create the effect of light in a painting?
I used black to create shadows and white to create highlights to make it appear as though light was coming in from a specific direction.